Sunday, September 29, 2019

Maturity Meet Immaturity

Warren: To be mature or not to be, that is the question. Nah, I’m just kidding, but seriously, when you’re really mature as a kid and you want to commit yourself to doing something, but then the kid in you just says, “Nah, we’ll do it tomorrow.” Two days later comes around and you HAVE to do it, then the maturity in you says, “Just accept it,” and wants to do it. Then, the kid in you challenges EVERYTHING! I’m sorry Mom, but it’s “technically” not my fault. I mean, it is, but it’s not. I know you were like that as a kid, a mature kid, but when you did something irrational, you would judge yourself for it. So, yeah, I’m literally the male version of you, Mom. Then, I feel bad when we get into a huge argument and then like, ten minutes later, my mature side says to the kid in me, “What have you done? You fool!” (Leah: Incidentally, he’s laughing about calling himself a fool). Warren: Well, it’s true, Mom, and then I feel really bad about trying to push you to your limit. Even though you’ll always love me, those are a lot of moments I regret. Leah: Warren, I will absolutely love you, NO MATTER WHAT! The stuff you’re going through at this age, is normal. The fact that we butt heads and argue about those things, like you procrastinating or just not wanting to do something you have to do, is normal. Warren: Yeah, but it’s still so annoying when your mature side has to just sit there and watch and let the chaos unfold. Leah: I think that’s called, your rational side fighting against your raging hormonal side. Warren: I see what you’re saying, but I just want us to love each other no matter what. Leah: We DO love each other, no matter what, and we always will… even when your hormones are running the show. Warren: To any kids out there, or adults who were like this as kids, you’re not alone. Anyway, I just want to stop saying something mature and then my hormonal kid side contradicts my mature side every five seconds. So, yeah, that was my most recent struggle and I hope you enjoyed this week’s blog. Leah: Can I just weigh in again? Warren: That’s funny, I was just going to ask you if you had any closing thoughts, Mom. Are we telepathic? Leah: Yes, we are, except when it comes to homework. Anyway, speaking as a… ahem, 40 year old woman… Warren: Did that hurt to even type? Leah: Yeah, it really did. Anyway, as a woman of a particular age, I fight against my mature side and my hormonal side. I’m sure you will find a lot of adults out there that can say the same and suffer from procrastination and contradicting themselves as well. It’s not exclusive to your age and it's certainly nothing to beat yourself up over. But yeah, I feel ya and still love you just the same. Warren: You know what else feels weird to say? That I am an… ahem… a teenager! Oh man, that felt weird to say. But, anyway, that’s all folks! (Leah: Insert Porky Pig sound clip here).


The Definition of Insanity (Trying to keep up in a conversation between us)

Warren: Here we go again… What am I going to talk about? I seriously don’t know what to talk about. I know! I’m not going to talk about a...