Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My New Buddy, Rico

Warren: I got a kitten. Despite the fact that he claws and bites all over you, he’s actually pretty fun. His name is Rico, Rico Suave. He gets along with Henny (Henry), our dog, very nicely. Henry loves having a kitty. It’s really cute, because at first, Rico was unsure and Henny was all over him. But now, Rico actively searches for Henny. When Henny doesn’t want to eat, Rico sneakily tries to eat his food. We have to try and catch Rico before he eats Henny’s food. But, Rico is still a baby, so we have to go easy on him. Henny is respectful when Rico is eating his own food, he just sits and watches Rico eat his food. Rico often jumps up onto my tray and tries to scratch and claw me. Other times, he jumps up onto my tray and right into my arms. He purrs away while I cuddle him. He likes to be swaddled like an actual baby. So, basically, when Rico’s tired and you hit his sweet spot, he’s like an angel. When he’s awake and hyper, he’s a cheeky little devil. All in all, Rico’s a good kitten. He’s just curious and has to do regular “kitten stuff”. Don’t get me wrong, I love Henny and he is Rico’s big brother, but, Rico is substantially different from Henny. Rico actively seeks me out and we quite possibly think that he loves me over everybody else. He plays with me more than anybody in the house. He just sits with me and purrs while I’m relaxing and watching YouTube or basically whatever. Rico seems to be with me about 97% of the time. July 20th is the birthday I gave Rico, because that’s the day we got him. Rico is fun to watch when he plays. He’ll “trick” his toy mouse by walking away to make it seem like he’s leaving, then pounce on it a couple seconds later. Long story short, Rico is my little buddy and I can’t wait to be there to watch my little buddy grow up with me. Leah: The joy that pets bring to your life is amazing. They become valuable members of your family. At times, just like any family member can, they drive me absolutely crazy as well. Mostly, they bring joy, love and comedic relief. I love to watch the way Henry and Rico interact with Warren. Henry, from the day we went to meet him before we adopted him, stole my heart. Trev had Henry on the leash, while I pushed Warren in his adaptive stroller. Trev and Henry had got a good way ahead of us, Henry stopped, turned around to look for Warren and I, and wouldn’t move again until we had caught up to them. We already knew we were going to adopt Henry. But, that was the moment I knew without a doubt that he was the dog for us. It took Henry a little while to get used to Warren’s power chair. He doesn’t mind it at all now. Henry loves it even more when Warren is out of his power chair and sitting on the couch or in his bed so he can snuggle with him. Rico, he used Warren’s power chair as a jungle gym on his first day here. Rico had no qualms whatsoever, jumping up on Warren’s tray and just getting up in his face, playing with him and loving on him. Warren always wants nothing more than for people to treat him equally and to see him for who he is. For people to look beyond the power chair he’s sitting in for his mobility and see the kid actually sitting there. That’s the beauty of pets, they don’t they don’t discriminate, they aren’t biased. They will cuddle you, play with you, seek (demand) your love and attention, no matter what. Henry and Rico see Warren for Warren. Their human brother that wants to be cuddled, loved on, played with… and their main source for food dropped during meals.

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